The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation (CWSF)
In line with its long–term commitment towards supporting local communities and being responsive to their needs, the company officially launched the CWSF in March 2005. Working under the slogan, “A helping hand for a stronger community”, the aims of the Foundation are:
- To establish and build partnerships with local charitable and community organisations; focusing on groups with ‘special needs’.
- To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work.
- To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting our role as a corporate citizen.
To date the company has undertaken many initiatives under the Foundation umbrella and has done so proactively. The Foundation continues to be positioned as an extra to the company’s normal donation activities.

Mahe-Praslin Challenge
Following CWS’s commitment to the Seychelles Yachting Association (SYA) in collaboration with the National Sports Council (NSC), we endorsed the Mahe-Praslin Challenge that took place on the 20th August to commemorate their 40-year anniversary. Having had a long-standing relationship with NSC, CWS was pleased to help contribute to the growth of sports and development for the youth and community, seeing as water sports is seen as one of the most challenging sports. As part of this, CWS was honoured to sponsor the prizes for Winner Open, Master Open, Junior Open, and main Seychellois Winner challenges.

Festival Kreol 2022
Festival Kreol is a time that the Seychellois community looks forward to. It is an opportunity for the nation to get back in touch with its roots and reflect on the past, present, and future. Being such a pivotal part of the Seychelles tradition, meant that Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) wanted to endorse this Campaign, especially as it began after the company was publicly listed in the Seychelles market. This provided an ideal moment to truly connect with the community that had taken the time to invest in the telecoms provider. CWS made a donation of SCR100,000 to the cause which was used to support the Creative Seychelles Agency’s series of events taking place across the month of October 2022. The company remains engaged in promoting the sector of arts and culture for the community.

SABVI Donation
Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) was pleased to honour the Seychelles Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SABVI) with a donation of SCR 50,000 for numerous initiatives that they plan to do. In Seychelles, it can be seen that there is a lack of information and awareness about those living with blindness, and at CWS we would like to support NGO's such as SABVI by assisting to promote more understanding within the community. It is important for us that we recognise all those that are in need as we would not be where we are today without their support and valuable contribution.

CWS turns Pink with Cancer Concern Association and the Soroptimist International Club of Victoria
The Cable and Wireless Seychelles Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to giving back to society. In a handover event that took place at the Exiles Club of Victoria on Friday 21st October 2022, CWS awarded donations of SCR100,000 to two entities, the Cancer Concern Association and the Soroptimist International Club of Victoria, in recognition of their incredible work towards curtailing the impact of cancer on our islands.
As part of its regular practices and initiatives, CWS is dedicated to helping the communities it serves. Our focus is not only on the business aspect but also on charitable outreach efforts. Therefore, we remain engaged to bolster our long-standing relationships with partners who are making a difference and trying to save as many lives as possible.
The CWS Foundation is proud to extend its support through donations, especially during the month for breast cancer awareness. It is a privilege to highlight the important work that is being done to educate and provide assistance to breast cancer warriors and survivors who are being affected. As part of its core values, CWS will continue its mission of lending a helping hand by cultivating a culture of giving.

Celebrating Stroke International Day
The Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) Foundation donated SCR50,000 to the Seychelles Stroke Foundation on 28th October 2022 to coincide with ‘World Stroke Day’ celebrated on the 29th of October of every year.
The Seychelles Stroke Foundation is about to celebrate its fifth year since its inception and is on a mission to raise stroke awareness and reduce the impact of stroke on the Seychellois community. Strokes are on the rise in Seychelles, especially amongst the youth and CWS commands the hard work that is being done to sensitise the public and bring more attention to an issue that has so often been stigmatised in the country.
As a company, CWS has offered its continuous support to the Seychelles Stroke Foundation, not only by committing to their annual dinner dance fundraisers but also through monetary donations to assist them in realising their objectives for the Seychellois community. The CWS Foundation recognises the need for more empowerment and education within society and would therefore like to see an increase in early detection which may help to potentially prevent strokes. CWS gladly supports causes of healthcare as these are pressing issues that may affect any one of us and are immensely thankful for its partnership with the Seychelles Stroke Foundation, which is why they were proud to have pledged their support once more to ensure that stroke survivors, victims, and their loved ones get the essential attention that they deserve.

Cheque Handover to the Friends of North East Point and Hospice & Alzheimer’s Association
The Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) Foundation announced a donation of SCR100,000 to the Friends of North East Point and Hospice (FNEPHH) and Alzheimer’s Association to help support their efforts in offering the best after-care and rehabilitation programme to patients. The handover event took place at the North East Point Hospital on Friday 11th November 2022.
Working to strengthen communities have long been a part of the CWS Foundation’s corporate social responsibility focus. Therefore, the Foundation has been engaged in relieving the struggles faced by patients which are disruptive to their daily life. For this reason, the CWS Foundation is assisting in ensuring a better place and offering more comfort to these patients to facilitate their recovery and well-being.
The Friends of North East Point Hospital and Hospice received another sizeable donation from the CWS Foundation last year. Upon touring the facility, we felt a sense of pride to see that they had invested the funds in renovating a dining hall and lounge area used to uplift the morale of patients and staff at FNEPHH. Aside from the bright and colourful refuge, this time round Chairperson Rose-Mary Lee-Bluemner explained that it was important for them to continue upgrading their facilities and equipment, especially the physiotherapy and occupational therapy rooms to better assist patients in their recuperation process.
Whereas the Alzheimer’s Association plans to invest its funds in a Memory Room that will also be based at the North East Point Hospital. This initiative also has the objective of comforting patients who are currently struggling with memory loss, such as those living with either Alzheimer’s or Dementia. It is integral to empower them to stay active by exposing them to familiar objects which will help to give them a sense of security.
At CWS, we want to ensure that even when patients are no longer their previous selves and are facing dependency on others that they will be able to receive the best after-care that they deserve to smoothen the process which they are going through and ease the struggles. It is important for us that no one feels alone or forgotten in their time of need. Therefore, we are always ready to support causes that are dear to us, and that will help to benefit the community.
Konkour Sanson Kreol
In early December 2022, CWS collaborated with the ‘Fondasyon Kiltirel Sesel’ as one of the sponsors for an initiative to promote traditional music in Seychelles. More awareness was raised in regard to the values and importance of traditional music amongst the Seychellois youth. This is one of the elements that Seychelles holds which is unique to us and should not be lost due to modernity and evolution in music. It should be recognised and appreciated by the up-and-coming community- our leaders of tomorrow so that the cultural legacy can live on.

CWS's Annual Endorsement of the SBC School Quiz
In partnership with SBC, Cable and Wireless Seychelles supported their National School Quiz Championship to aid in promoting the education sector and boosting friendly academic competition amongst students in Secondary schools across Seychelles. The competition focuses on areas such as History and Geography, Maths and Science, Languages, General Knowledge, and Culture and Arts. CWS chose to fully sponsor this initiative as it is in line with our core values of further developing the education in Seychelles.

CWS advocates to cultivate stronger relationships through a new partnership with the Seychelles Rugby Touch Association
CWS strongly believes in the benefits of sports development for the community of Seychelles; that is why we hope that our newfound partnership with the Seychelles Rugby Touch Association will bring children and adults closer together and help to enrich them with more skills for a better life through a sport that is not as well-known in Seychelles. Through this partnership we are seeking to defy the barriers of gender inequality in sports and promote to young girls that this is a sport that they can also venture in if they wish. Therefore, Cable and Wireless Seychelles signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Seychelles Rugby Touch Association to support them in their journey of revolutionising the world of sports in Seychelles.

CWS hosts special Children's Day for the children of Foyer de Nazareth
For this year’s Children’s Day, CWS wanted to do something different for the children at the Foyer de Nazareth. Activities of the day comprised of giving the boys a tour of the CWS facilities so that they would have a better understanding of some of our operations and infrastructure. We hope that most of them will consider a career in the Telecommunications sector when they are older. The festivities did not end there, a special dinner party was organised at the Exiles Club where the children were able to relax and truly celebrate with some delightful music.

CWS collaborates with Women in Action and Solidarity Organisation (WASO) to honour International Women's Day
To honour the International Women’s Day, CWS collaborated with Women in Action and Solidarity Organisation (WASO) to assist them in launching their new helpline to combat against gender-based violence. A Samsung device to be used by counsellors and a Public Service Announcement (PSA) was also created to raise awareness about the NGO’s revamped initiative. Together we wish that this venture will aid in reducing the number of cases and victims who feel alone and that they now understand that there are many entities who can help them in their struggles. CWS launched the PSA by using its advertising platforms and promising to always remind customers on the 25th of each month which helps to advocate in ending gender-based violence.
CWS strives to boost sports development by funding two National Sports Council (NSC) entities
Cable and Wireless collaborated with the National Sports Council (NSC) to support two of its active members, Futuro Sports Sesel and the Neo Boys Volleyball Club. At CWS, we strive to always elevate the development of sports in Seychelles. We aim to support these entities to nurture the youth for the future. Futuro Sports Sesel is dedicated to encouraging football for the younger generations. We believe that it is important to build new skills and empower children at an early age so that they can follow their dreams. Therefore, CWS handed over a cheque of SCR75,000/- in a small ceremony to show our support to Futuro Sports Sesel. We have also been supporting the Neoboys Club for many years. We now had a new opportunity to show our support through a sponsorship of SCR75,438.00/-. The donation itself will not only help the team but benefit the community at large by instilling good values and a sense of responsibility.

CWS lends a helping hand to the Friends of North East Point Hospital and Hospice and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles
CWS was pleased to present cheques of SCR100,000/- to the Friends of North-East Point Hospital and Hospice (FNEPHH) and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles. Our company has always lent a hand to NGOs who are pushing for benevolent welfare causes. In this case, the patients and staff at the Hospital and Hospice will be able to dine in a more cheerful environment and benefit from better ventilation and gain more appliances.
Whilst, at the same time, Cable and Wireless Seychelles also extended its support to the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles who are always pushing for more community projects such as the donations that they make to breast cancer patients, and continuous work that they have with the President’s Village and the Montagne Possee Prison. CWS is committed to supporting the people of Seychelles through endorsing the work of NGOs such as FNEPHH and the Soroptimist International Club of Seychelles.
CWS sponsors the SBC National School Quiz Championship
In partnership with SBC, Cable and Wireless Seychelles supported their National School Quiz Championship to aid in promoting the education sector and boosting friendly academic competition amongst students in Secondary schools across Seychelles. The competition focuses on areas such as History and Geography, Maths and Science, Languages, General Knowledge, and Culture and Arts. CWS chose to fully sponsor this initiative as it is in line with our core values of further developing the education in Seychelles.

CWS supports the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF) and Light Amidst my Path (LAMP)
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation was honoured to host an intimate ceremony for a cheque handover to the Seychelles Islands Foundation and Light Amidst My Path at the Exile Club. The cheque handed over to SIF of SCR40,000/- was to support the missed 2020 Eco-School Aldabra trip project as there is a need for more students to be involved in conservation and advocacy efforts. CWS has always strongly believed in worthy causes such as this, as such initiatives show our commitment to educational efforts in regard to the conservation and preservation of our environment.
Whilst the cheque of SCR159, 760.54/- presented to LAMP was donated to address the issues of bullying happening in secondary schools. LAMP’s objective is to bring about an attitude and behavioural change, not only in the school environment but also in the community. CWS stands by any efforts to combat the social ills that continue to have disastrous effects on our communities.

CWS - 'Happy to Give' supports the 'Mind over Matter' Challenge
Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) has raised SC129,435.20/- through its Happy to Give campaign in support of Felicity Passon's 'Mind over Matter' challenge.
At the end of April 2021, most media houses focused on the 'Mind over Matter' challenge. Felicity Passon, Seychelles swimmer, Indian Ocean, and African Champion 2019, challenged herself to swim 15km into the open waters from La Digue to Praslin and back.
Through the 'Mind over Matter' challenge, Passon swam for mental health awareness and raised fund to support a mental health project within the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family. The project consists of extending psychosocial support to the public by establishing a 'Telephone and E-Counselling service' by certified professionals.
Being a company that actively supports community projects, CWS opened its 'Happy to Give' campaign to allow its customers to donate their loyalty points showing their support towards the challenge.
Speaking to the CWS Promotions Manager, Hervé Atayi, he stated, "We are very pleased with the turnout of this initiative. The amount collected is the highest contribution from our customers so far, and we are delighted and grateful for such generosity. 'Happy to Give' was created to provide a platform whereby our customers can demonstrate their kindness and charity towards any cause that speaks to their heart. The response from the 'Mind Over Matter' challenge is a testimony that mental health issues are a concern for the whole community and that by being united, we can reduce its effect on our people".
Expressing his gratitude towards its customers Charles Hammond, CWS Chief Executive, said, "community is one of the CWS' core values. As a responsible corporate citizen, we acknowledge that mental health can affect all, especially during this pandemic that brings uncertainty for the future. We thank all of our customers that have decided to donate their points."
Mr Hammond announced that "CWS is going to match its customers' generosity in kind; this donation will be made under the CWS foundation."

CWS supports Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation
Forgetting can be a sign of a stressful life or an overworked mind; but in old age forgetfulness can be a symptom of Alzheimer’s. In Seychelles Alzheimer is often overlooked as bad memory or craziness, therefore the Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation has a goal to have an operational Memory Care Unit, which will provide comprehensive and compassionate care to the Alzheimer patients in Seychelles from next year.
In a short ceremony held at Kenwyn House last Friday, 30th November 2018; the Chief Executive of Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd (CWS) Charles Hammond, presented to Dame Lise Church, the chairperson for the Seychelles Alzheimer Foundation, a SCR 100,000/- cheque under the CWS Foundation (CWSF) umbrella. Also present were the Foundation executive members, CWS Senior management team and the Marketing Communication team.
The funds given will go towards the renovation of the Memory Care Unit building that the Foundation have acquired from the Ministry of Health. Thanking CWS for their generosity, Dame Church said “I wish to express my deep appreciation for the nice contribution from CWS. It shows that truly CWS knows Seychelles better. They have realised what we need and they have made the move in supporting the Seychelles Alzheimer’s Foundation”
Quoting the CWS mission statement “to provide world class communication services and solution wherever and whenever people work, play and have fun.” Mr Hammond also added: “I am considering the proposal from one of my colleagues Patrick Gopal in changing the mission to provide World Class Communication services and solutions, to also supporting the community wherever and whenever people live, work, play and have fun.”
Mr Hammond appealed to other businesses to follow in CWS footsteps “Alzheimer is a disease that can affect you, your loved ones, family and friends.’ He encourages other businesses in Seychelles to contribute to this important cause.
Alzheimer is a degenerative and incurable disease. Memory loss, loss of everyday functions are some of the symptoms experienced. When one’s family is affected, it is often a big loss for the younger generation, as the older members are a living history book. The funny stories and the recollections of past events is lost with them.
In line with its long–term commitment towards supporting the local communities and being responsive to their needs, the CWS officially launched the CWSF in March 2005. Working under the slogan, “A helping hand for a stronger community”, the aims of the Foundation are to establish and build partnerships with local charitable and community organisations focusing on groups with ‘special needs; to actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work and to enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting our role as a corporate citizen.’

CWS supports Autism Seychelles and Aldabra Clean Up Project
The CWS’ corridor at the Sunshine Providence Office now sports a new cherished painting, accepted by CWS as a sign of appreciation from Autism Seychelles during a signing ceremony that took place in the morning of September 12th 2018.
As part of our Core Values, as well as being a responsible corporate citizen who plays an active and significant role in the community, CWS offered its support to Autism Seychelles and the Aldabra Clean Up Project.
CWS has donated to Autism Seychelles SCR 400,000.00/- , to renovate a building they have acquired from the government, and to turn it into a proper learning centre.
By donating SCR 100,000/- to the Aldabra Clean Up Project, CWS once again shows its commitment to the environment. Two years ago, CWS helped out with ‘Save the Turtles’ and it won CWS an international award for its campaign. This donation is a strong statement in the same direction, confirming CWS dedicated position vis-à-vis the environment.
Both donations have been done under the CWS CSR project as part of the CWS Foundation. Let us remember that the company officially launched the CWSF in March 2005; working under the slogan, “A helping hand for a stronger community”.
CWS donates to local Neo Volleyball Club
In line with our Core Values, Cable & Wireless Seychelles was delighted to give a helping hand to the community once again. It was with great pleasure that CWS sponsored SCR 200,000/- to the Neo Volleyball Club during a small ceremony, on the 2nd March 2020 at Exiles Club, Victoria.
This donation will not only help the Neo Volleyball Club as an organisation, but will also pave the way for such youth programs to further progress, yielding proactive results within the community. This has resulted true with Neo Boys, who with the years, have grown to be an outstanding finalist team that is well established in the volleyball field.
‘Cable & Wireless have been supporting Neo Boys for the last three years ... I thank them for believing in our project.’ - A few words from Mr. Ralph Dine, a representative of Neo Volleyball Club.
CWS has long been an active member in the investment towards youth programs that include: academics, sports and youth development

'Happy to Give' - helps hearing impaired children
Cable and Wireless Seychelles (CWS) and Air Seychelles have teamed up to support the Ministry of health by donating a consignment of hearing aids for children with hearing impairments in Seychelles.
The donation was made possible through CWS’ ‘Happy to Give’ campaign whereby customers were invited to donate their Cable Points towards fundraising efforts in order to stand a chance of winning business and economy class tickets on flights to Paris, Abu Dhabi, Johannesburg and Mauritius with Air Seychelles.
The campaign lasted throughout July and raised a total of SCR 195,000 towards the procurement of hearing aids, batteries and other accessories which will be distributed by the Ministry of Health to children on Mahé, Praslin and La Digue.
The consignment including a special laptop for calibrating the hearing aids according to individual requirements was donated to Dr. Danny Louange, Chief Executive Officer of the Healthcare Agency at the Seychelles Hospital; by CWS Chief Executive Charles Hammond and Air Seychelles’ manager for corporate social responsibility (CSR) Josie Michaud-Payet.
During his speech Mr Hammond outlined that “Community is one of the CWS’ core values and as a responsible corporate citizen, we continue to play an active and significant role in community development and on many other levels. We at CWS remain convinced that ‘Happy to Give’ helps to make a difference in the lives of others.”
“There is nothing as noble as helping a child acquire a hearing aid, and I’m proud of our people because they understand that. To put the public response in perspective, the amount of Cable Points donated in just one week after the campaign was launched, was higher than any other ‘Happy to Give’ donation we have ever recorded.” He added.
Thanking CWS’ customers for their generosity, he said “The champions in this are our customers and I would like to encourage more people to donate and make a difference in the future.”
Receiving more funds than CWS anticipated for this project, the campaign saw a total of SCR 39,000/- above what was needed to purchase the hearing aids. CWS donate the sum to the Association of People with Hearing Impairment (APHI) that will go towards its new Deaf Centre. On their part Air Seychelles donated a sum of SCR 25,000/- towards the same cause.
Thanking CWS and Air Seychelles, Dr. Louange said “We are happy to receive this generous donation from Air Seychelles and CWS. It will allow the children with hearing problems to have a brighter future and allow them to further their studies,”
Solidifying Environmental School Programs through donation to the Turtle Foundation
It was through the “Happy to Give” campaign that CWS managed to raise SCR 105,600/- to donate to the Turtle Foundation in a short ceremony held at the Seychelles Museum of National History, Friday 07th December 2016.
The “Happy to Give” campaign, which started in mid-October and ended on November 20th 2016, is an SMS-enabled platform that allows customers to donate their Loyalty points to fund charitable actions. In this instance it was driven by the “Save the Turtles” initiative.
Mr. Thomas Dauban, Director of Human Resources and Administration at CWS, highlighted that it was through their corporate social responsibility, and the participation of their clients, that this official donation to the Turtle Foundation was made possible.
“It is natural for CWS to contribute to the community. It is a vision of life and it is important to us, above all, it expresses one of our significant values, to give. We are happy to give for the protection of endangered turtles. Our customers have donated their points and we have contributed 50% for this donation, which gives an amount of 105,600 rupees. Thank you to our customers for helping us improve the situation in Seychelles,” he shared on the day.
The cheque was presented to the Turtle Foundation by Hervé Atayi, responsible for marketing intelligence and customer loyalty at CWS, and the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Didier Dogley.
Ms. Vanessa Didon, researcher at The Marine Conservation Society Seychelles (MCSS), thanked Mr. Hervé Atayi for having launched this campaign to support the Seychelles Turtle Festival committee and for the dedication in raising said funds.
“The population of Seychelles turtles is ranked in 4th position of endangered species in the world. This threat concerns in particular two species, the green turtles and the valve turtles. Thank you to the community for participating in this innovative campaign – “Happy to Give” - to protect turtles. I am optimistic in terms of forecasts,” she added.
This donation was also an opportunity to launch the new Cable & Wireless calendar in partnership with the Seychelles Islands Foundation, in the presence of Charles Hammond, Chief Executive of CWS. It was the Minister of Education and Human Resources Development, Joël Morgan, who was chosen to sponsor this calendar. The students present received a gift, and a calendar for their investment in protecting the turtles.

Going Beyond the Call of Duty
As part of its corporate social responsibility, Cable & Wireless, under its “Happy to Give” theme, recently asked its customers to donate part of their loyalty points to one of three charities – the hospice, the Special Olympics and the disabled children at the primary centre at Baie St Anne Primary School on Praslin. This campaign culminated on Monday 30th March by members of the Cable & Wireless staff visiting the Baie St Anne School to donate studying equipment worth SCR 101,625 and the seven children who attend the disabled centre at the school gave back to Cable & Wireless at the unveiling of study equipment ceremony in the form of handmade arts and crafts pieces and sang a beautiful song for the Cable & Wireless Team. "This was an opportunity not to just involve the staff and customers but also the teachers. It was more than just about money; it was a way of including the teachers in creating a better environment for the children. Staff and teachers were involved in painting, cleaning and decorating of these classrooms. The Cable & Wireless foundation is privileged to have a direct impact on the way these children will develop academically.” Charles Hammond, CEO of Cable & Wireless commented. The company gave the special needs and disabled centre of the school two computers, seven tablets, new air conditioning system, a 50 inch plasma screen TV, a music system, educational books and games and renovated three classrooms. The event, which was much appreciated by all, was attended by all members of the senior management team of Cable & Wireless and representatives from the ministry of Education.
‘Happy to Give’ Campaign - CWS amazed by great response from customers!
Cable and Wireless’ Happy to Give campaign has stirred up customers’ generosity and sympathy, days after it was launched. With an appeal to help people who are in need, the campaign encourages customers to give their Cable Points to the Special Olympics athletes, the Seychelles Hospice, and children with disabilities. As part of the company’s CSR activities, these groups had been selected to receive much needed assistance under the Cable and Wireless Foundation. This foundation, which was set up in 2005, proactively supports local communities by being responsive to their needs. Staff of CWS also get the opportunity to offer their time, energy, money and other contribution to charities. ‘We decided to opt for something different this year and involve our customers of their own free will and since we sent the first SMS broadcast last Saturday, we are amazed to see that customers have started to immediately give to all three charities,’ says Albert Duncan, PR executive at Cable and Wireless (CWS). ‘Normally, customers would redeem their Cable Points for their own use but now they can choose to have someone else benefit from their own accumulated points. Their quick and generous response proves how people are willing to give and just needed a different platform on which to do so.’ Apart from SMS broadcasts CWS is using press adverts to appeal to customers to give. The current advert features three Special Olympics athletes doing the famous ‘lightning bolt’ of Usain Bolt. The Seychelles Hospice and the Disabled children are also beneficiaries and more information about the three charitable causes will be communicated to customers at the end of the campaign. ‘We are looking forward to seeing the end result of this campaign,’ continues Mr Duncan, ‘as it is then will we know what each beneficiary will be entitled to. We are happy to give and glad that a lot of our customers are, too.’ At the end of the campaign CWS will match each point and convert the total into cash which will be used to purchase needed equipment for the organizations. To give customers simply have to dial #155# from their post-paid or prepaid mobile phone and select ‘I am Happy to Give’ and follow the prompts. The campaign ends February 28th, 2015.

Happy To Give Campaign
Cable & Wireless is pleased to announce a new campaign aimed at giving back to the community in the form of a new campaign called Happy To Give. This new campaign allows customers the opportunity to use their Cable Points to donate to 3 of the following charities: The Seychelles Hospice Special Olympics Athletes Disabled Children At the end of the campaign, CWS will match customers contribution to each respective charity and make the official donation. The mechanism for the donation is simple: customers simply have to dial #155# and follow the on screen prompts to donate. The campaign ends on the 28th February 2015 so ensure your donation is made before the closing date! We are happy to give. Are you?
International’s Women’s Day Women Celebrated and Honoured in Several Ways by Cable & Wireless
The International Women’s Day celebrated March 8th provided an apt platform for Cable & Wireless Seychelles (CWS) to demonstrate their commitment to supporting women in Seychelles. With various activities and meaningful gestures planned, last Saturday, as well as the days which followed, proved memorable and worthwhile for women. Firstly, best new artist for the Vibes Cable Tunes 2013, Regie, joined the team at CWS to make a video for his track ‘Fanm Seselwa’ (Cable Tunes ID: 7309) which was released exclusively on the CWS Facebook page on Saturday. According to Regie the song is dedicated to the many women in his life whom he respects and whose strength, which he says surpasses that of a man, is an inspiration to all. Whilst filming for the video, Reggie & the CWS crew had the opportunity to learn a bit of sign language and in turn featured it in the clip to raise awareness for the deaf community of Seychelles. There was also an online game on the CWS Facebook page where anyone could guess what kind of surprise the company in collaboration with Reggie had in store for customers on Saturday 8th March (which was the release of the video clip ‘Fanm Seselwa’). Co-incidentally two women posted the closest answer and they were rewarded at a small ceremony where the artist himself gave out the second prize, which was a Smart TV Dongle and CWS’ Director of Projects Office, Mrs Babette Morel, who presented the first prize – a Lenovo tablet. The first prize winner, Rita Faure, who works at the pharmacy section of the Ministry of Health is also a fan of Regie. She says ‘this is a really good way to reward customers. There are many positive actions that can show support to different groups and this is one for sure. I just hope that other companies start doing the same.’ Second prize winner, Marie-Claude Labrosse, a social worker said she was happy to receive the gift and to be appreciated by CWS. She also had words of encouragement for women; ‘I believe that women can achieve many things, not just for others, but for themselves as long as they keep moving forward towards the goal they want to reach.’ Furthermore, women who entered the Customer Service Centre on Women’s Day were each surprised with roses, and the women at the hospice for the terminally ill in North East Point were also remembered through the same gesture. CWS also announced its support for Women in Action and Solidarity (WASO) and raised awareness for the helpline (2530707–toll free for CWS numbers) which is dedicated to helping women (as well as men and children) experiencing gender-based violence and other issues in life. Lastly, the female staff of CWS were honoured in a special issue of the company’s internal newsletter, ‘Connections’, with messages from women who are inspiring change in the community and at the work place. ‘Although it falls into a male-dominated industry, CWS is an equal opportunity organization for both genders and there is no discrimination for jobs within the company,’ states Babette Morel who is the highest female official in the company and a member of the Senior Leadership Team, risen through the ranks in this male-dominated industry. ‘Though it is not easy, considering the other responsibilities of a woman, those who are willing to work hard can progress within the organization and achieve any high level post.’ ‘Through these acts and gestures,’ says Terry Servina, PR Manager, ‘I am convinced that we have reinforced a message that over and above our normal operations, Cable & Wireless is also dedicated to play active and significant roles in the community and give support where it is needed. We are happy that we were able to achieve so much within a week and give the women the respect and thoughtfulness they deserve.’ One can view CWS’ official Facebook page @ the following link: . Simply ‘like’ the page to stay up to date with the company’s activities.
Cable & Wireless Gives A Helping Hand For La Digue
Staff of Cable & Wireless joined ‘Friends of Flycatcher’ on Saturday, March 1, for some much needed conservation and maintenance work at the La Digue Veuve Reserve. Under the slogan ‘A helping hand for a stronger community’ the eager group of staff were mobilised through the CWS Foundation, which was set up 9 years ago to give proactive support to the community across Seychelles. The Veuve reserve provides a breeding and feeding area for the endemic Paradise Flycatcher which is found only on La Digue and is the only bird in Seychelles listed as “critically endangered” by the IUCN. The plateau, which also serves as a tourist trail, was badly flooded during the recent heavy rains on the island and rehabilitation work was needed. ‘Our urgent action in response to a disaster which threatens the existence of our endemic species and in turn the tourism industry on La Digue is not only required but also expected on our part,’ says Terry Servina, CWS public relations & events manager, who also organises the CWS Foundation activities. ‘The CWS Foundation was set up so that we can go beyond the company’s normal donation activities and through this community work our staff are actively engaged in something that is important for Seychelles’ heritage as well as tourism on La Digue.’ The CWS staff, mostly from Praslin and La Digue, was joined by the ‘Friends of Flycatcher’ –mobilised by the National Park Staff, a group of school children aged between 9 and 11 years from the La Digue school environment club. The team was hard at work throughout the morning with preparation of an area for a new endemic garden, clearing of another area where the birds come to drink water, filling puddle-prone locations on the trails as well as planting two different types of native trees. ‘This act from Cable and Wireless is very encouraging and I am so grateful that they came to give us such meaningful support,’ stated Josiana Rose, conservation ranger, who oversaw the work at the reserve. The community work also offered a useful lesson in environmental awareness for the whole team especially as many of them had not been to the reserve previously. It was fitting that the team were rewarded by the sight of a cute tree frog and notably, a beautiful male and female Paradise Flycatcher couple carefully building their nest with twigs and spider’s web. ‘The trip was well worth it on so many levels,’ says Mr Servina, ‘and we are glad for the opportunity and for the help we received from the little Friends of Flycatcher. We hope to come again and be joined by them and others who wish to make a difference in our community.’
Cable & Wireless answers call to assist disabled children
Cable & Wireless answered a call for assistance from the Sovereign Supporters group to assist them in their efforts to help the disabled children of SEYCHELLES and those less fortunate. This month, the company donated two brand new Toshiba Satellite Pro laptops to help the administrators of the cause carry out their responsibilities and work. The donation was made at the Cable & Wireless offices at Sunshine House, Providence on Friday 6th September. David Deltel, Manager Marketing Communications, handed the laptops over to Johnise Juliette who was representing the Sovereign Supporters. The Sovereign Supporters were also behind a recent charity musical show that was held at the STC Hall at Roche Caiman on Sunday 8th September where numerous local talent and popular artists performed to raise awareness and funds for the disabled children and the underprivileged. As a responsible corporate citizen, Cable & Wireless is always looking at meaningful ways to give back to the community and was delighted to be able to support such a worthy cause.
Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. contributes toward disaster relief effort
Cable & Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. has today presented a cheque of SCR42’140/- to the Red Cross Society of Seychelles as its contribution towards the Disaster relief Effort. In a short ceremony at its Providence Branch Office located in the Sunshine House Building, the Chief Executive of CWS Mr. Charles Hammond handed over the donation to Mrs. Collette Servina from the RCSS in the presence of members from both organizations. ‘The recent disaster that affected mostly the Eastern part of Mahé has indeed left some scars for many families. Even some our staff members have not been spared, hence we are grateful for the interference of the Red Cross Society of Seychelles during this sad situation and we delighted to render our support and eventually bring hope to the families. We are thankful to our dear mobile customers who responded to our appeal and contributed generously to this cause’. The money donated to the RCSS was collected through an SMS campaign whereby CWS mobile customers were encouraged to send SMS to 9688 at the rate of SCR2/- per message. This campaign which demonstrated the value of that CWS put towards its corporate citizenship, lasted for 3 days after which the money collected were topped up by CWS. The campaigned followed the national appeal for fund to help victims of the disaster who have lost their home and belongings. It is to note that the Disaster Relief SMS Campaign was open for both CWS Post-paid and Prepaid customers and attracted an encouraging response. END About Cable & Wireless Communications and Cable & Wireless Seychelles Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) is one of the world’s leading global communication businesses operating in 38 markets including the Caribbean, Panama, Macau, Monaco, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Bermuda, Seychelles and others, offering fixed line, mobile, broadband and entertainment services. CWC is the market leader in most of the markets in which it operates, including Seychelles. Cable & Wireless Seychelles is leading the introduction of choice for customers supported by an ongoing commitment to quality, value and customer care in all areas of service. Our offering includes fixed line, mobile and broadband services for residential customers and tailored solutions for business customers. Our experience and reliability as the leading Telecoms Company in Seychelles sets us apart - customers get more when they choose Cable & Wireless. For further information: Terry Servina, Manager Public Relations – Cable & Wireless Seychelles (4284004)
Reaching out to the Hospice and Detox Centre
Cable & Wireless continues with its Corporate Social Responsibility programme through various recent initiatives. Following the adoption of the Hospice in 2009, to coincide with the annual “Clean up the World” campaign, a group of volunteers visited the residents and carried out cleaning and beautification activities to upkeep the environment. This also included a donation of household items as well as painting of the rooms and common area. The Cancer Concern Association member along with Miss Seychelles 2012, Sherlyn Furneau , joined CWS for this event. Other institutions to benefit from CWS’ goodwill gesture is the Seychelles Hospital’s Detoxification Centre. The Centre was presented with a cash donation of SR20000, 2 desktop computer sets and a rental-free internet connection for a period of 24 months. At the ceremony, Mr. Thomas Dauban said notable efforts are being made to catch and bring to justice drug traffickers and the Ministry of Health is working hard to run the Detoxification Centre as other organisations play similar key roles. “Over the years we have seen a dramatic rise in substance abuse in our society. The legal sector is doing it’s very best to punish the culprits and the Detox Centre is doing its share in educating and rehabilitating substance abuse victims.” Receiving the donation, consultant in charge of mental health services, Dr Daniella Malulu, thanked Cable & Wireless for the donation, which she said would help the centre improve its service delivery particularly educational sessions for the patients and staff training. Among those present were members of the Ministry’s Harm Reduction Committee and central management team including the WHO’s liaison officer for Seychelles, Dr Cornelia Atsyor.
CWS Foundation Supports Special Olympics Greece 2011
In a ceremony at the Cable & Wireless office in Victoria on Friday 10th June, 2011, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation (CWSF) will be making a donation to the Special Olympics Team participating in the summer games in Athens – June 2011. The donation comprises of T-Shirts, warm-up t-shirts, race t-shirt, sports bags, caps as well a cash of SR10, 000/-. For the past 25 years the Special Olympics Seychelles has been very active and through various international sports meeting, their success has been at a very high level and at time beyond expectations. “Our athletes’ enthusiasm and increased dedication of their coaches have given people with certain disabilities, new hope and the recognition of their abilities. As a responsible Corporate Citizen we are proud to render our continuous support and to be a partner of Special Olympic Seychelles” stated Mr. Charles Hammond – Chief Executive CWS. He also added that CWS blessed to have a workforce committed to such, whether in the form of volunteerism and simply providing encouragement and behind the curtain support. The Foundation was officially launched in March 2005. For the over 100 years that CWS has been in existence as a company, since its launched, the Foundation is positioned as an extra to our normal sponsorships but with added focus on a few critical areas, and on a regular basis we proactively provide support, primarily in the form of “donations in kind” or financial assistance where relevant. Working under the slogan, “A helping hand for a stronger community”, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is designed to meet 3 key objectives: 1. To establish and build partnerships with charitable and community organizations focusing on groups with “special needs”. 2. To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work. 3. To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting its role as a responsible corporate citizen.
CWS makes local contribution to global environment initiative
Cable & Wireless Seychelles (CWS) joined the local communities to participate in the global initiative – Clean Up the World which is a community based environmental campaign that inspires and empowers communities from every corner of the globe to clean up, fix up and conserve their environment. A group of volunteers in various departments of the company gave up their Friday afternoon for a visit at the North East Point Hospice whereby all patients were given a bouquet following which the team started with cleaning and beautifying of the garden. Several palm and fruits trees were planted and also two truck loads of broken and unused furniture were transported to the landfill. This forms part of our CSR initiative following our adoption of the hospice in November 2009. This year marked the 18th year of the Clean Up the World, held in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), mobilises an estimated 35 million volunteers from 120 countries, making it one of the largest community–based environmental campaigns in the world. The campaign brings together businesses, community groups, schools, governments and individuals in a range of activities and programs that positively improve local environments.
CWS Foundation adopts Hospice and makes donation!
On Tuesday 17th November 2009, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation donated items to the Hospice and announced the adoption of the centre as Cable & Wireless celebrates 116 years of operation in the Seychelles. In a ceremony held at the North East Point Hospice attended by members of the CWS Foundation (all CWS staff) and representatives of the Seychelles Health Authority, items including TV sets, Fridges, Fans, Minibars, Sofa set, Microwave ovens worth approximately SR75’000 were donated to the Hospice. In addition to the household items, a Fixed Cellular phone to be used as a Helpline with a special package was also presented to the Hospice. The Helpline number is 55 44 55. The donation was accepted by Mrs. Daniela Larue – Chief executive Officer of the Seychelles Health Authority – from Mr. Charles Hammond – Chief Executive of CWS. “With this donation, we sincerely hope we can make a difference in the life of the soon-to-be residents of the hospice and people who will shoulder the noble responsibility of caring for them” – said Mr. Hammond in a speech for the occasion. He also added that through the foundation, we will continue to find ways and means to assist the centre and try to make life easier for its residents and the Seychellois community.
CWS Foundation rewards Miss Deaf Seychelles
Participants of the first Miss Deaf Seychelles beauty pageant were rewarded with their prizes on Thursday 28th May at the Cable & Wireless Exiles Club. The pageant which took place on 26th April at the international Conference Centre saw the crowning of Miss Shana David – a 24 year old sign language teacher as the first Miss Deaf Seychelles. Under the theme ‘Making Dreams Come True’ the event was organized by the Association of People with Hearing Impairment, backed with the support of sponsors, notably the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation. Speaking at the prize–giving ceremony which was attended by Government Officials, sponsors, relatives and staff of Cable & Wireless, Mr. Charles Hammond – Chief Executive of CWS thanked the organizers and other sponsors who joined the CWS Foundation in making the girls’ dreams come true. "The Miss Deaf Seychelles – a first of its kind will be remembered for a long time. We take pride in what we have achieved with the association and we are indeed very proud to be a partner in this event" he said. "Such an event clearly demonstrates the qualities and abilities the girls possess" he added. Mr. Hammond later presented the cash prizes to the winners and the ceremony was concluded with a cocktail to honor the girls and their entourage.
The CWS Foundation supports Seychelles’ basketball development programme.
As a dedicated supporter of developing sports in Seychelles, CWS identified the Basketball development programme, initiated by the Seychelles Basketball Federation as an idea worth sponsoring. The launching of the programme was held at the Grand Anse Praslin court in the presence of the Minister Vincent Meriton, Minister for Community Development, Youth, Sports and Culture, staff of CWS, school children and parents. Addressing the crowd, Minister Meriton thanked CWS Foundation for such initiative and encouraged other private companies to follow suit. " Seychelles has a lot of potential. It’s my dream to see young basketballers become professionals" he added. On behalf of Cable & Wireless, under the umbrella of the CWS Foundation, Mr. Thomas Dauban – Director of Human Resources & Administration said "The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation puts a lot of emphasis on youth and the approach this year is focused on sports development. The company is committed to promoting the idea of a Basketball development programme". He also added that it is CWS’s hope that in the next 20 years, those young talents would have matured and the success of the programme would then be truly celebrated. The Chairman of the Seychelles Basketball Federation Mr. Roy Collie presented Cable & Wireless with two basketballs with the hope that the some CWS staff may be motivated to develop the sport within their organisation. Working under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation was launched in 2005 and is designed to meet 3 key objectives: To establish and build partnerships with charitable and community organizations focusing on groups with "special needs". To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work. To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting its role as a responsible corporate citizen.
CWS Foundation supports Aride Island Marine Conservation Programme
The Aride Island Reserve is leased and managed by the Island Conservation Society (ICS). The reserve also includes a sea area of 200m around the island. Whilst Aride has concentrated on conservation of its terrestrial and bird assets, the marine life has been given very little consideration. The need to study and monitor the marine ecosystem around the island has been recognized as an important component of the reserve and a team of competent people has been put together to carry the study forward. In 1998, as a result of the El Nino event the reefs around Aride suffered from massive coral bleaching and mortality and since then the recovery has been slow coming. Now, more than ever, it is important that the studies and monitoring needs to be accelerated. Having the know-how and a competent team is not sufficient without the proper equipment, hence the reason why ICS submitted a project plan to CWS for consideration. As a responsible corporate citizen, in March 2005, CWS launched the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation. Working under the slogan-‘A helping hand for a stronger community’, the foundation is positioned as an extra to our normal sponsorships but with added focus on a few critical areas, and on a regular basis we proactively provide support, primarily in the form of "donations in kind" or financial assistance where relevant, hence a donation of SR 45’000.00 to assist with the Marine Programme for Aride Island Nature Reserve. The fund was used to purchase diving equipment for the island programme. Following that cash donation, the CWS Foundation maintained its partnership with the NGO to facilitate an educational trip to Aride Island. This trip was to provide in-depth knowledge on the island, it’s terrestrial as well as marine conservation programme. A small selective group of staff were identified to accompany a group of more than 30 school children on the trip. Amongst the school children, there were a few from the Praslin School for the Exceptional. Not only was the trip of an educational purpose but proved to be a trip of a lifetime for many of the school children.
CWS Foundation sponsors first Miss Deaf Seychelles pageant
It was in a short ceremony at the Exiles Club that the CWS Foundation extended support to the first ever Miss Deaf Seychelles pageant with a sponsorship worth SR16500. The event will take place at the ICCS on April 26 for girls with hearing impairment, aged between 16 and 26. The local choice will then represent Seychelles at the Miss Deaf World contest which is due to take place in the Czech Republic in July. In a statement at the recent donation ceremony, CWS Chief Executive Charles Hammond said that CWS’ partnership with the hearing-impaired is very important. He expressed his excitement about the prospect of the pageant and looks forward to see it grow. The ceremony was attended by a few staff of CWS and representatives of the Association for People with Hearing Impairment (A.P.H.I). The chairperson of the association, Anita Gardener, expressed her gratitude and that of the association towards CWS and said that she is enthusiastic that the support will surely make this event a memorable one. Although this may be the first Miss Deaf Seychelles ever, this is the 9th year running that the event has been organized at a world level.
CWS Foundation supports marine conservation
A donation of SR45,000 has been made by Cable & Wireless Seychelles to buy marine equipment for conservation projects in Seychelles waters. In a short ceremony on the 14th of August 2008, Charles Hammond, Chief Executive Cable & Wireless Seychelles, presented a cheque to Mary Stravens, Chief Executive of the Island Conservation Society. Mr. Hammond said: "The effects of climate change have led to a high level of coral mortality and bleaching and the recovery process is quite slow. There is a need to focus and find ways to help in these recovery programmes." As a result of climate change, various problems have arisen that have affected the coral reefs and other marine habitats. "We now have to manage the surrounding marine areas, so with the equipment that will be purchased using the SR45,000, the marine programme will be able to kick off!", said Mrs. Stravens. Working under the slogan 'A helping hand for a stronger community" the CWS Foundation is committed towards supporting the local communities and being responsive to their needs and is continuously looking at areas where it can provide assistance.
CWS Foundation hosts special Children's Day treat for orphans
On Sunday the 1st of June 2008, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation hosted a special day out for the orphans of Seychelles to celebrate the National Children's Day. A special lunch was organised at Cap Lazare and was attended by residents of the Foyer at Anse Etoile, Foyer de la Providence and President's Village. They were in the company of representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and staff of Cable & Wireless Seychelles (CWS). Despite not in attendance at the lunch due to international duty, the Chief Executive of CWS, Mr. Charles Hammond, had this message for the children: "June 1st is a very special day for the children of Seychelles. Whilst many are lucky to have a sheltered childhood and never run out of their parents' love and affection, there are others who are very unfortunate. As a responsible corporate citizen, CWS feels a need to help these children, if only in a small yet sincere way. On Children's Day, we are not only bringing a smile to the faces of these children, but hope and love from our hearts to theirs. Helping our children is an investment in our future." Following lunch, some children enjoyed a swim in the ocean, others played with Cable & Wireless branded Frisbees whilst others sat down for a sing song session. This is the second time that the CWS Foundation has assisted the orphans. Following its inauguration in March 2005, the Foundation donated items such as TVs, DVDs, books, etc to all the orphanages in Seychelles.
CWS Foundation reaches out to Madagascar cyclone victims
Staffs of Cable & Wireless Seychelles (CWS) through the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation have responded to the national call for assistance, made recently by Caritas Seychelles, with a donation of personal items, clothes and cash. This will go towards alleviating the crisis that scores of cyclone victims in Madagascar now find themselves in. The donated items were presented in a short ceremony at CWS on the 6th of March 2008. The appeal for assistance received encouraging response from staff of Cable & Wireless as the company organized different collection points within its compound. Purely a staff initiative, this is similar to an activity undertaken last year whereby a small group of staff from the Finance Department collected money which was presented to the Anglican Church to assist victims of similar natural calamity – again in Madagascar. In addition to the staff initiative, Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has made a financial donation of SR20, 000.00 to the Caritas Seychelles."The CWS Foundation, which was launched in 2005, joins together with the staff to answer a national call for help. In addition to the clothes and other items collected, we are donating SR20, 000.00 towards this noble cause. The Foundation, which goes by the motto 'a helping hand for a stronger community' is today reaching out beyond our shores. Although we know that this may not erase the bitter memories endured, we sincerely hope that it will make a difference in the lives of the victims in Madagascar," said Charles Hammond, CE Cable & Wireless before handing over the donations to Bishop Denis Wiehe in the presence of members of Caritas and staff of Cable & Wireless. To date, The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has assisted NGOs, orphanages and schools to name a few. It is positioned as an extra to Cable & Wireless' normal sponsorships but with added focus on a few critical areas. On a regular basis the Foundation provides support primarily in the form of 'donations in kind' or financial where relevant. Working under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is designed to meet 3 key objectives: To establish and build partnerships with charitable and community organizations focusing on groups with "special needs". To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work. To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting its role as a responsible corporate citizen.
Foundation rewards Special Olympic Athletes
On Friday 28th December, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation hosted a special lunch to honour the Special Olympics athletes who recently participated in the Special Olympics Summer Games in China. The lunch was attended by Minister Meriton in the company of Senior Officials from their respective Ministries and Special Olympics members. Also present were athletes, volunteers as well as a group of staff from Cable & Wireless headed by Mr. Charles Hammond Chief Executive, who presented the athletes with a small token of appreciation which included a SR1500.00 cheque each. In addition to that, Mr. Hammond donated a cheque of SR20 000.00 to the Special Olympics Seychelles. The donation is to help the association in preparation of the athletes for 2008 competitions and also assist in procuring equipment to facilitate their training. In a short speech before officially handing over the items, Mr. Hammond highlighted the role of the Foundation and its achievements since it was launched. "Today, I am honoured that the Foundation has once again supported the Special Olympics Seychelles. Recently a group of special athletes participated in the Special Olympics Summer game in China. They had our flag fly high on 6 occasions, thus giving a 100% success rate. Doesn’t that make someone proud at Cable & Wireless we are, and today I am pleased to tell you that we have brought with us a small token of our appreciation for each of you!" said Mr. Hammond at the lunch. The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation was launched in 2005 and to date has assisted many NGOs, orphanages and schools to name a few. It is positioned as an extra to Cable & Wireless’ normal sponsorships but with added focus on a few critical areas. On a regular basis the Foundation provides support primarily in the form of ‘donations in kind’ or financial where relevant. Working under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is designed to meet 3 key objectives: To establish and build partnerships with charitable and community organizations focusing on groups with "special needs". To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work. To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting its role as a responsible corporate citizen.
Cable & Wireless Foundation Sponsors Child Protection Week
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has once again lent its support towards the annual Child Protection Week, organized by the National Council for Children (NCC), a non-governmental/non-profitable charitable organization. Following the success of last year’s week long activities on Praslin, Child Protection Week 2007 was launched on Mahé, at Beau Vallon, on Sunday the 27th of May. The activities are being marked under the theme ‘Safe and caring communities protect children’ and, throughout the week, the NCC will carry out trainings, workshops as well as media campaigns which are all aimed at sensitizing the general public to the importance of protecting children from all forms of abuse. The launch started with a service presided by Reverend Christine Benoit of the Anglican Church, in the presence of invited guests, the general public, children and partners of the NCC. Various stalls were set up providing information to parents on parenting issues as well as health and educational guidance tips specific to children. The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation brand was very visible at the Cable & Wireless stall where members of staff, all wearing Foundation t-shirts, offered the public massive discounts on some of its products and services whilst simultaneously running a Lucky Dip from which various toys, promotional items, prepaid cards and even a mobile phone were up for grabs. The stall attracted quite a large and enthusiastic crowd with its giant, fan operated ‘Tube-Dude’ serving as a backdrop. At the end of the day SR4, 000.00 was raised from the Lucky Dip alone, which will be handed over to the NCC as an additional donation to the SR15, 000.00 already set aside as the sponsorship amount for Child Protection Week 2007. On top of financial support, in collaboration with NCC, Cable & Wireless Seychelles will be organizing a Child Protection Sensitization Session for members of its staff on Thursday the 31st of May 2007.
C&W Foundation brings its heart to the Ministry of Health
On Friday 9th March 2007, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation once again extended a helping hand to the community, this time to the Ministry of Health, in the form of a donation to the Paediatric Ward of the Victoria Hospital. A number of Cable & Wireless employees walked up to the Red Roof building of the Victoria Hospital to participate in a short, but heartfelt ceremony that culminated in the handing over of items such as cushions, fridges, TV sets and other gifts worth over SR25, 000.00 to the Paediatric Ward. In the presence of other top officials from the Ministry of Health, the Principal Secretary of the Ministry, Dr. Jude Gedeon, accepted the donation from Cable & Wireless’ Interim CEO, Mr. Charles Hammond. In a short speech before officially handing over the items, Mr. Hammond highlighted the role of the Foundation and its achievements since it was launched in 2005. He said:"Today we bring our hearts to the Ministry of Health and we are very proud to extend ‘A helping hand to the Paediatric Ward ".He further added "It is our hope that this tangible assistance will help improve the quality of life, but more importantly, inspire hope and positive energy to the patients and provide a more conducive ‘get well’ environment." Following the ceremony, the Cable & Wireless team, headed by Interim CEO Hammond toured the Paediatric Ward distributing gifts and balloons to the children patients whilst chatting with them and with the staff of the Ward. To spice up the visit, the company had organised one of its staff members to dress up as a clown, which had a positive impact. Working under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is designed to meet 3 key objectives: To establish and build partnerships with charitable and community organizations focusing on groups with "special needs". To actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work. To enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting its role as a responsible corporate citizen. The Foundation is positioned as an extra to Cable & Wireless’ normal sponsorships but with added focus on a few critical areas. On a regular basis the Foundation provides support, primarily in the form of "donations in kind" or financial assistance where relevant. To date, it has pro-actively sought and identified specific areas that were in need of assistance, which was provided to the School of the Exceptional Child, local orphanages and to the Disabled of Praslin & La Digue. The Foundation also part-funded the Anse Royale Children’s Playground, made a donation to the new Silhouette School and sponsored production of leaflets and posters for the "Know More About Heroin" Campaign that was undertaken by CARE in 2006. Also in 2006, the Foundation sponsored the NCC Child Protection Week held on Praslin and initiated a "Clean up the Beach" activity involving members of Cable & Wireless management.

CWS Foundation takes to the hills to support new initiative for children
ADDER Computer Services is another charitable organization to recently benefit from assistance from the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation. In a short ceremony on January 16th, 2007, Mr. David Deltel, Manager Marketing Communications at Cable & Wireless, donated a set of used computers on behalf of the Foundation to Mr. Antoine Barbé and Mr. Criff Pharabeau at their ADDER Computer Services studio. ADDER Computer Services is a small community based project aimed at helping children, who ordinarily would not have access to a computer, basic computer skills. Registered under the Home Industry Programme, supported by SEnPA (Small Enterprise Promotion Agency), old computers are collected from various private and public organizations and recycled at the ADDER Computer Services studio in the Beaudamier Village hills of Anse Aux Pins. Once the computers are up to standard, they are used to teach children ranging from 4 to 12 years basic computer skills and eventually donated to them to ensure continuity in their learning. The project aims to benefit the community in different ways including: Increasing computer literacy amongst the community Keeping children off the streets Reducing the number of computers dumped in the environment "This project is really about reaching out to the community and bringing computer learning closer to these children’s homes. The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is extremely proud to be associated with such a pioneering venture", said Mr. Deltel. Working under the slogan ‘A helping hand for a stronger community’ the CWS Foundation is committed towards supporting the local communities and being responsive to their needs and is continuously looking at areas where it can provide assistance.
CWS Foundation donates to Union of the Blind
Following its successful launch in March 2005, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has been leading the way in providing community assistance. Having already donated to, and assisted, a number of local charitable organizations over the past 18 months, the Foundation has recently lent its support to the Seychelles Union of the Blind. On Thursday, the 19th of October 2006, Mr. David Deltel, Manager Marketing Communications at Cable & Wireless, and Mr. Pat Gopal, Director Network Services, were both on hand to present a cheque of SR4, 400.00 to Ms. Brigitte Lablache, the Union’s chairperson. The money was actually raised following a sponsored walk that Mr. Gopal undertook on the 26th of August 2006, when Mr. Gopal took it upon himself to walk 28 kilometres from South Mahé to the capital Victoria, via La Misere!. 22 members of Cable & Wireless’ management team decided to sponsor him SR100 each (one hundred rupees), and with Mr. Gopal completing the walk in just 4.5 hours, a total of SR2, 200.00 was raised. The Company then decided to match this sum and went about identifying a suitable non-profit charitable organization to donate to. Speaking on behalf of the Foundation, Mr. Deltel had this to say: "The Cable & Wireless Foundation is delighted to donate to the Seychelles Union of the Blind. These smaller charitable set ups are just as important to community development as some of the larger organizations in the sense that they too play a crucial role in educating and helping those affected by a physical disability – in this case blindness." Mr. Deltel added the Company hoped that this donation will help to ‘open the door’ to more financial assistance from the local business community to the Seychelles Union of the Blind and other small charitable organizations like it. Working under the slogan "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Foundation looks to provide support and assistance to specific areas identified by the company.
Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation working for A Greener Seychelles!
As part of its ongoing activities, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has once again stretch out its hands within the community. Last year, being the inaugural year of the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation, the main focus was on "Our Youth". This year however, the Foundation is spreading its activities within the community. With the main aim of continuing to deep-root the Foundation into the Community through specific, pre-defined initiatives backed by the active involvement of the Cable & Wireless Seychelles workforce, on Saturday 26th of August, the first in a series of such activities took place. The managers of Cable & Wireless got together and participated in a ‘Beach Cleaning’ activity organised in collaboration with SWAC. This event took place at the Anse Marie-Louise beach and although it rained, this did not stop the team from putting their efforts in keeping our environment clean. The day which started at 9 in the morning came to end at 12 noon. Commenting on the event, the CEO of Cable & Wireless Seychelles, Mr. Usman Saadat who was also present on that day said: "Tourism is a key sector for the Seychelles and clean beaches go a long way in making sure that valued tourists have a pleasant stay here. Our team worked hard and I want to thank them for showing leadership for a good cause. Our thanks also go to the SWAC team." Under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is focused on actively contributing in the strengthening of communities in which the company lives and works. Throughout the year, a combination of donations, sponsorships and active involvement of employees in a number of community-based activities will be utilized to make the Foundation more visible and allow employees to be and feel part of the value that the Foundation brings to the community.
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation at it again!
In its quest to "lend a helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation made yet another major donation on Monday 28th November to CARE (Campaign for Awareness, Resilience and Education against substance abuse). On behalf of the Foundation, Mr. Cyril Bonnelame was on hand to present a cheque for SR35, 000.00 to Mr. Robert Ah-Weng, Director of CARE, outside the CARE office in Victoria. The funds will be used to produce customer education material, such as stickers, posters and leaflets, in support of a "Know More About Heroin" campaign, which will help sensitize the public on the super addictive nature of this drug and the dangers posed to a person's health and social life. These education materials will be distributed across the country in schools, clinics, District Administration Offices and other venues with the aim of contributing towards the Information, Education and Communication (I.E.C) efforts of trying to influence a change in behaviour and also curbing the rapid consumption pattern of heroin. Mr. Cyril Bonnelame, Deputy CEO said: "Cable & Wireless, through its Foundation, fully supports the efforts of CARE in educating the public of heroin, a potentially detrimental drug that has crept into our small society. We hope that the messages conveyed will, at the very least, save someone's life."
Cable & Wireless Foundation goes north to Silhouette
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has travelled the seas to go that "extra mile". Under the slogan "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has endeavoured to do just that, lend a helping hand in areas of need. Since its launch in March this year, the Foundation has made significant contributions, mostly in the form of donations in kind, to several projects on Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Looking to reach out even further, the Foundation identified the new Silhouette School and its people as a fundamental part of the social development of our country. On Friday 14th October, a donation comprising of educational books and toys was made during the official opening ceremony of the Silhouette School. Mrs. Merida Delcy, Director for Non-formal Early Childhood and Primary Education was on hand to receive the donation on behalf of the school from Mr. Usman Saadat, CEO Cable & Wireless Seychelles. The Foundation, a couple of months back, had already donated a number of kitchen utensils and items, including fridges and rice cookers for the school. Usman Saadat, the CEO said: "The children on Silhouette also need our support, so through our Foundation, we have made this donation with the hope that it will help improve their quality of life and inspire them with hope and positive energy. The school requested the items we have donated and we are delighted that we have been able to help."
CWS Foundation first to support Anse Royale Children’s Playground
Following its successful launch earlier this year, the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation has been leading the way in providing community assistance. Having already reached out to the School of the Exceptional Child and to the Disabled of Praslin & La Digue, the Foundation has recently lent its support to the construction of a new children’s playground at Anse Royale. On Wednesday, the 15th of June, Mr. Usman Saadat, CEO of Cable & Wireless was on hand to present a cheque of SR30, 000.00 to Mr. Barry Faure, MNA of Anse Royale, of which the funds will go towards the construction of a new playground for the residents of the district. Speaking on behalf of the Foundation, Mr. Saadat had this to say: "The Cable & Wireless Foundation is delighted to donate towards the construction of the Anse Royale Children’s Playground. The playground itself will go a long way towards unifying the Anse Royale community, in particular the families of this district. Through its Foundation, Cable & Wireless is proud to be the first organisation to come forward to lend a helping hand for such a worthy cause. May the Playground Project be a huge success and, as per the focus of the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation, inspire hope and positive energy amongst the children of Anse Royale." Working under the slogan "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Foundation also made donations last month to all three orphanages on Mahé. Foyer de Nazareth, President’s Village and St. Elizabeth received items urgently needed ranging from large electronic equipment to storybooks and toys, which will help improve the quality of life of the children living in the these establishments. The Foundation provides support and assistance to specific areas, which are decided upon by Cable & Wireless Seychelles.
Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation reaches out to the Inner Islands
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation, which was set up for the sole purpose of establishing and building partnerships with local charitable and community organisations focusing on groups with special needs, has reached out a 'helping hand' to the disabled of Praslin and La Digue. On Thursday 31st March, a donation of SR10, 000 was made to the La Digue Disabled during a cocktail hosted by Cable & Wireless Seychelles. Mrs. Peggy Payet, chairperson of the Disabled Committee, received the cheque from the Chief Executive Officer of Cable & Wireless Seychelles, Mr. Usman Saadat. Thanking the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation for the generous donation, Mrs. Payet said that the money came at the right moment since a Day Care Centre is to be constructed for the disabled in the near future and that the funds would be used to equip the Centre with some basic facilities to further assist the community. On Friday 1st April, an additional SR10, 000 was donated to the Disabled of Praslin, once again during a cocktail hosted by Cable & Wireless Seychelles. Mrs. Carmelle Gappy, chairperson of the Disabled of Praslin, was on hand to receive the cheque on its behalf. Mrs. Gappy was grateful for the donation and said that the money would be utilised to provide training facilities for all members of the Disabled of Praslin, including the purchase of athletic equipment and training kits. The Chief Executive Officer of Cable & Wireless, Mr. Usman Saadat, said: "Our Foundation is now bringing the benefits of its work to the islands of Praslin and La Digue. The fact that the Disabled communities on both islands did not seek out Cable & Wireless for donation, reinforces the objectives of the Foundation - pro-active involvement by the company to find appropriate causes to assist." Under the slogan, "A helping hand for a stronger community", the Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is focused on actively contributing in the strengthening of communities in which the company lives and work. Successfully launched in March 2005 at the School of the Exceptional Child, a number of items were donated to the school in the presence of Government and other dignitaries including the Minister of Education & Youth, Mr. Danny Faure.
The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation
In line with its long-term commitment towards supporting the local communities and being responsive to their needs, the company has launched a Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation. The aims of the foundation are (i) to establish and build partnerships with local charitable and community organisations focusing on groups with ‘special needs’; (ii) to actively contribute in the strengthening of communities in which we live and work; (iii) to enhance the Cable & Wireless brand by promoting our role as a corporate citizen. With these aims, the Foundation will be positioned as an extra to the company’s normal sponsorship and donation activities. On a yearly basis, the Foundation will provide support and assistance to specific areas, which will be decided upon by Cable & Wireless Seychelles. This year, being the inaugural year of the Foundation, emphasis is being placed on the community group that is in constant need of extra support and nurturing; the group that plays a vital role in the social development of our country, namely our Youth. A donation to the School of the Exceptional Child was done at 9.30 am on Tuesday 22nd March, by the CEO of Cable & Wireless Seychelles to officially launch the Foundation. The launch was attended by the Minister of Education, Mr. Danny Faure, the Principal Secretary for the Department of Information Technology & Communications, Mr. Benjamin Choppy and the Director of the National Council for Children, Ms. Ruby Pardiwalla. The donation consisted of items urgently needed by the school and ranged from large electronic equipment to a computer, educational books and toys. On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Mr. Danny Faure said "The Cable & Wireless Seychelles Foundation is good news for our children and youth. Congratulations to them for putting into place a Foundation which will no doubt intensify our efforts to promote the spirit of Caring and Sharing." Usman Saadat, Chief Executive Officer of Cable & Wireless who made the donation said: "Today is an important day in the 100 year long history of Cable & Wireless in the Seychelles. We remain a committed partner in the development of the Seychelles and we are extending this commitment with the launch of the Cable & Wireless Foundation here today. This tangible assistance will help improve the quality of life of these children, but more importantly, inspire hope and positive energy in these young people."