Delight your guests with the ultimate TV experience with access to over 100+ channels featuring entertainment, documentary, news, sports, international and local programs. With an immersive in-room experience with custom content, on-demand programme, and casting of local content. Depending on your type of establishment, choose the best TV solution best suited for your establishment.
Tailored Solutions to Meet Every Need
Our tailor made solution is best suited for small hotels/guest house, with the option of customising your bouquet or selecting from two off-the shelf bouquets.
- Select from two off the shelf bouquet or customise your own
- TV bouquet + STBs to all the rooms
- Mixed genre & languages to suit most of your client’s needs
- Delivered on Fibre optic network giving high quality and grade of service
Customize Bouquet
Our content deployment is offered to medium or large hotel customers where we only provide the TV content. With this solution, our customers have the ability to create their own bouquet by choosing from our channels lists.
- Choose and create your own bouquet
- Mixed genre & language to suit most of your guests’ needs
- Delivered on Fibre optic network giving high quality and grade of service
- Advertise your hospitality offers and promos

TV Bundle
Our TV bundle product is offered to guest houses with up to 30 rooms with the option of selecting from the two off the shelf bouquets where TV, Internet & fixed voice is all bundled in one package
- TV + Internet + Fixed voice for one fixed price
- Mixed genre & language to suit most of your guests’ needs
- TV, Fix lines & extensive WiFi coverage in all the rooms including the reception
- Delivered over Fibre optic network giving high quality and grade of service
- TV bundle gives you a competitive edge as it clears all your communication and entertainment needs which in turn enhances hospitality, quality and comfort
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